Saturday, May 10, 2014

4 Reasons Why My Son Will Be Raised On Superheroes

It is undeniable that our culture is drenched in a unstoppable storm of superheroes. Movies, TV shows, enough t-shirts to clothe a medium sized nation. When will this madness end?

It won't.

Superheroes are the new paradigm of mythology. The desperate need for superheros is becoming more prevalent than ever. Yes, that is right. Our world NEEDS superheroes. It's not that our world lies on the verge of total destruction about every hour and needs Superman to swoop in and save the day. Yet we need these fictional characters none the less.

 Heroes teach us something absolutely imperative and yet so  simple: that we can stand up to evil and fight it. 

                  "And WIN!"

1) Heroes teach us altruism

Captain America, Superman

These two characters are the respective pinnacles of Altruism. They are often labeled as boy scouts (which I think is a great compliment to any boy scout).They have an uncompromising, unflinching sense of right and wrong. 

In the movie Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers, before he has powers, jumps on what he believes is an active grenade and yells at all his squad mates to get back.

In the comics, Cap is arrested after Marvel's Civil War. He is led to the court house in handcuffs for his trial. A laser sight appears on the guard in front of him. Captain America does what Captain America does. He pushes down his jailer and takes the bullet for him. Moments later, he is murdered on the court house steps by the woman he loves. Later, we have it revealed that in his dying breath he forgave her. 

Supes is a bit unique as he arguably has the greatest powers of any hero. There are many stories that explore the concept that he could use his power to take over the world (Red Son, Injustice Gods Among us, Justice League: A Better World). Superman has the ability to be the greatest of villains. A man who could have anything and everything he wants. Yet what does he do with his crazy powers?

But seriously. He spends his time saving lives and helping people (many of whom seem to fall off of buildings at a irregularly high interval).

This altruistic desire is built into the marrow of man. Every boy wants to be the hero. Every boy wants to save the day.

What does it mean to be a hero? I'll tell you what it is not. It is not about playing sports well. It is not about singing a catchy tune that captures the world's attention for 3.5 minutes. Heck, it is not even about fighting bad guys. Bad guys fight bad guys all the time.

It is about what you are fighting for.

2) Heroes teach us that physical strength is second to moral fiber

Spiderman, Batman

Spiderman and Batman, who are my favorite heroes in each of their respective universes, have a strikingly similar background. As kids, they lose their parents and are faced with the moral quandary: "What do you do when you encounter pain?" Here at the crossroads they can take their tragedy and rage against the man, or they can decide to use their gifts - and more importantly, their will - to help the city that hates them. 

They never beat the villain due to their exterior strength. They win because of the good that is inside them. The good they are fighting for.

This is how Spiderman and Batman stories typically work: Put the character through as much pain and suffering as possible, and then give them an easy out as long as they are willing to compromise their moral code.

                                                Like in this scene

They don't, and therefore they go through more pain and suffering and just before all is lost they are able to take down the stronger, more merciless villain.  

The reason these two characters are so beloved is that they truly portray what you get for being a hero. You get the Green Goblin pumpkin-bombing your aunt's house, and throwing the love of your life off of the Brooklyn bridge, You get the Joker beating Robin to death with a crow bar, and shooting Batgirl at point blank range. 

Yet somehow, they rise above this tragedy, not due to their physical prowess, but a strength that comes from doing the right thing for the right reason. 

3) Heroes teach us where our modern philosophies are going awry

Utilitarianism, materialism, and secularism cannot stand up to the self-sacrifice of our heroes, and they never can. There is no story in all of storydom where the utilitarian can be the hero and the altruist the villain; in attempting to do so we see the two change positions- the villain altruist turns into the hero. 

I'm not saying utilitarian hero vs. the altruist villain hasn't been done. I'm saying it cannot be done. It is not possible to tell that story in any medium. The more altruistic one becomes, the more heroic. The more one slips away from altruism, the more the hero becomes the villain.

A perfect example of this is Harvey Dent in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. He started out as the proverbial white knight. The hero Gotham needed. Then his face gets burnt up, he snaps, and craves revenge on the corrupt system. He is batman's foil. When Bruce lost everything, he sought to save the city. When Harvey (in many ways Bruce's moral superior) lost everything he turned inward to himself.  Fueled by wrath, he slips away from altruism and fulfills his own prophesy.

 "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Another great example is X-men's Magneto. Both he and Charles Xavier want the same thing, to end the persecution of mutants, but there is one clear difference between the two. For Magneto, the ends justify the means. If humans need to die to stop the persecution of mutants, it is worth it.

Magneto begs the question that changes a hero into the villain: How far can one compromise morality for the sake of the greater good?

The Altruist's answer, Captain America's answer:

You can't.

4) Heroes teach us redemption is always possible

Wolverine, Ironman, Hulk, Green Lantern (post Parallax)

And here we have the villains who became heroes. Ironman was a war profiteer who sold weapons to terrorists. He then has a literal change of heart. Wolverine is "the best at what he does."  What he "does" is lacerate people in teeny tiny bits. Hulk is a monster who becomes a hero. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) is possessed by the embodiment of fear and destroys a city and then casts the monster in the sun, dies, comes back in proper comic book fashion and seeks redemption for what the monster did while in control of his body.


These heroes were at one point bad people. But they don't stay that way. They learn to sacrifice themselves. They learn altruism. And we learn it with them.

There is a reason that we see Ironman make the sacrifice play in Joss Wheadon's Avengers. It is his story arc; he went from being the selfish jerk materialist to becoming the man willing to die for the city of New York. Notice something else about Tony Stark at this time. Not only is he less selfish in terms of heroic sacrifice. He is less selfish in terms of relationships. He is no longer the womanizer we meet in the beginning of Ironman, but has a faithful relationship. Altruism is seeping into all aspects of his life. 

So yes, heroes are flawed, tragically human. Yet even though they make mistakes, they persevere. They stand up for what is right. This is what I want my son to know. Everyday you will make mistakes, yet everyday you get the chance to take a stand for what is good.

We need these stories. We need Captain America with uncompromising virtue. We need Batman to show us that a man can be more than a man. We need Ironman to demonstrate that no matter how bad we are, redemption is always possible.

When my son grows up I want him to be a virtuous man. A man who cares for others more than himself; a man who stands up for the poor and oppressed. And that is why I will fill his head with fictitious nonsense and stories of heroes. For I would much rather him learn that "with great power comes great responsibility" than whatever the opposite may be. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

And The Most Christian Disney Film Ever Made Is...

The Princess and the Frog without a shadow of a doubt is the most Easteriffic Disney film ever made!

Did the answer surprise you? Does it surprise you that this Disney movie - more than any other Disney movie - is packed with Christian symbolism?

For those of you who are not familiar with the story, it follows a humble waitress Tiana who is chasing her dreams to open her own restaurant. However this all goes awry when she meets the movie's titular frog (prince).  Prince Naveen had made a deal with the film's villain, which of course backfires, turning him into a permanent state of Kermit. Mistaking the waitress for a princess, Naveen begs for a cure-all kiss, and upon planting a wet one on the amphibian playboy, Tiana finds herself trapped in his curse with a pair of webbed feet and tongue to prove it. The two frogs spend the rest of the movie trying to get back to their human selves while staying one step ahead of the Shadow Man.

Now nothing in that above description is particularly Christian, because unlike Fireproof or any other Christian movie made by Christians for Christians. the themes aren't shoved in our face but given a sense of suitableness. Rule #1 in story telling: show don't tell, Which brings us to...

The Villain

               "I got friends on the other side."

I know several of Christians who refused to give this film a chance  due to the Shadow Man's use of voodoo. 

"After all," says the overly conservative Christian, "Voodoo is bad and we shouldn't watch movies with bad things in them." 

I will agree with one point of my straw man, Voodoo is bad. 

But here's the thing, if you are going to portray evil it needs to be... well... evil.

And the voodoo in the movie is unequivocally demonic (without expressly saying the "D" word). The Shadow Man's end game is all about taking over the city so he can send all the wayward souls to the demons doorstep for consumption.

 Dr. Facilier's (AKA the Shadow Man's) very behavior is mirror that of his demon counterparts. No, he doesn't spit pea soup, but he does reel people in promising them what they had been hoping for but it comes with a cost, As final words of his frightful song chants:
"You got what you wanted, but you lost what you had."

Yet as the old mantra goes, evil consumes itself. This time, literally, as the Shadow Man's "friends" end up proving his downfall. For when he fails to make good on his deal, the demons come to collect.


The Villain's Foil
For every Darth Vader there is an Obi Wan, and for every Shadow Man there is a Mama Odie. 

Mama Odie is the opposite of the shadow man just about every way. He's tall. She's short. He wears black. She wears white. He summons creatures of the darkness. She blasts them with light. 

The clear juxtaposition of light and darkness is staggering. It is also interesting to note that our main characters find Mama Odie by following the light (of a billion fireflies) and she is the one that saves them from the demons the Shadow Man sent after her.

And when Tiana asks Mama Odie for an a solution to the her froggy dilemma, Mama Odie breaks out into gospel song and literally preaches to the pair of polliwogs. And it is here that (the frog) Prince Naveen wakes up to his own selfishness - when he is being preached at...from a pulpit...during a gospel song.

                               "When you find out who you are, you find out what you need.
                                                Blue skies and sunshine guaranteed."


A beautiful name for a star, right? But here's the deal: this star is far more than just a star. In the beginning of the film, Tiana wishes upon the star for her restaurant. After his turnaround with Mama Odie, Naveen consults the star when he plans to ask Tiana to marry him. 

And then there is Ray.

The firefly madly in love with the star. It is under Evangeline's light that everything comes together and that every heartfelt moment happens.

Now all that is very nice until you look up what the name Evangeline means. Go head look it up.

Did you look it up?


I'll just tell you.

"The Gospel," or, if you prefer, "messenger of good news."  So that means that Ray our little firefly buddy is madly in love with the Gospel. Now truth be told, the writers may not have intended this, but dang it is one heck of a coincidence.

Especially considering when everything around her seems to be falling a part Tiana plummets into  a crisis of faith  confronting Ray with the fact that Evangeline is nothing more than a star. 

Yet Ray doesn't let this shake his faith, and mere moments later he battles the demonic shadows of Dr. Facilier.

Ray, the one madly in love with the Gospel, combats demons.

Nope, not Christian at all.

Time frame

Stay with me here, this part clarifies everything. 

The final act of the movie takes place during Mardi Gras, aka Fat Tuesday, aka the day before Lent. Why is this important? 

After our dear pal Ray just blasts a bunch of demons with his glowing bouncing butt, he is struck down and laid low by Shadow Man.


And at the stroke of midnight, after saying a final farewell and giving Evangeline's blessing, Ray dies.

Remember midnight had struck. 

Lent began with Ray's death.

The day after Fat Tuesday is Ash Wednesday. It is time to repent and turn to Evangeline - *cough* cough* - I meant the Gospel; repent and turn to the Gospel. 

We then see a time of mourning: a funeral procession in the dark lit only by small lights. Ray gets sent off on his way. This is the journey we partake each Lent: we remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Death comes for all of us.  You know, the typical kid's film fodder.

Poor Ray. Talk about a downer. Disney just killed off the comic relief. How can you ever come back from that?

For those of you who have never been to an Easter Vigil service, this kind of sums up the feeling of what happens.  Everything starts out shrouded in darkness, and then out of the darkness a light appears. And that light spreads.

 In the case of The Princess and the Frog we see Evangeline and then as the clouds part we see:

A second star. A star that wasn't there before. And we know. We simply know our boy Ray is finally home.

BUT WAIT, we're not done yet. The next day after our Easter Vigil service (aka Easter), the two frogs get married,

and what happens when they get married?

Tiana becomes a princess, and when the prince kisses a princess they turn human again. You see it is their MARRIAGE that saves them; it is their marriage that restores them. It is not a magic kiss but true devotion to the other.  It is not our dreams that save us. Nor is it merely hard work. We need to love totally, unselfishly putting the one we love's needs above our own. In doing so we may not get what we want all the time, but we most assuredly get what we need.

And that is damn fine story telling.

-Seth D. Coulter